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Evidence-based, family-focused, personalized care for your family.

The official podcast of the
Hoyt Institute of Food Allergy
Board-certified allergist Dr. Alice Hoyt and expert food allergy care navigator Pam Lestage host our top-ranked podcast.
Plus, scroll down for blog articles that accompany the show!
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Recent Articles from Dr. Hoyt

Dr. Alice Hoyt
May 5, 20212 min read
Food allergy and parenting – the parent needs…
When it comes to parenting a kiddo with food allergy, remembering that epi is only one of the many challenges faced. Three common themes...

Dr. Alice Hoyt
Apr 7, 20212 min read
School, Flying, and Food Allergy – What do the Experts Say?
Kiddos have many challenges growing up in this global era, and, unfortunately, food allergy further complicates things like school and...

Dr. Alice Hoyt
Mar 24, 20212 min read
Food allergy on social media – ask an expert, but not on social.
Social media is a relatively new world, and just as navigating the “real” world with food allergy can be challenging, navigating social...

Dr. Alice Hoyt
Mar 17, 20212 min read
Food allergy and bullying
Bullying comes in many flavors, and when it’s related to your kiddo’s food allergy, it’s even more heart-breaking and can be challenging...

Dr. Alice Hoyt
Mar 10, 20212 min read
Parenting and school preparedness
Co-host of the Food Allergy and Your Kiddo Podcast has picked her top three favorite posts! Topics Pam selected included parenting and...

Dr. Alice Hoyt
Mar 3, 20212 min read
Research in treating early food allergy and on preventing anaphylaxis
This past week, I attended the AAAAI meeting. My teams and I presented research posters on treating early food allergy and on treating...

Dr. Alice Hoyt
Feb 27, 20212 min read
5 Steps to Medical Emergency Planning at School
Medical emergencies can be scary and even scarier at school, but planning a response may seem daunting. So how can your kiddo’s school...

Dr. Alice Hoyt
Feb 24, 20212 min read
Food allergy and nutrition strategies
If your kiddo has a food allergy, then you may wonder “Is my Sweet Pea getting enough good nutrition despite the food allergy?” Food...

Dr. Alice Hoyt
Feb 3, 20212 min read
Organize food allergy test results
Maybe you have thought about this and somewhat organize your kiddo’s food allergy test results in a binder, or maybe you have the results...

Dr. Alice Hoyt
Jan 27, 20212 min read
Food allergy testing and immune tolerance
Yep, you read that title right: food allergy testing is not the be all, end all, as it does not tell us about immune tolerance. Did you...

Dr. Alice Hoyt
Jan 20, 20212 min read
How an allergic reaction really works
Have you ever wondered how an allergic reaction works? Wondered what is going on inside the human body during an allergic reaction? And...

Dr. Alice Hoyt
Jan 6, 20212 min read
Food challenge safety: what say the data?
The safety of a food challenge is probably the first thing that goes through your mind when your allergist suggests performing a food...

Dr. Alice Hoyt
Dec 30, 20202 min read
Most Popular Food Allergy and Your Kiddo Podcast Episodes of 2020
Did your favorite Food Allergy and Your Kiddo Podcast episode make the list? You can find a podcast on so many topics these days, and I’m...

Dr. Alice Hoyt
Dec 23, 20203 min read
Can OIT help your kiddo eat safely at a restaurant?
Oral immunotherapy – OIT – can make kiddos with food allergy like peanut allergy more tolerant of the allergen, but does that tolerance...

Dr. Alice Hoyt
Dec 9, 20202 min read
Food allergy prevention in babies
Feeding babies potentially allergenic foods… what does the evidence say about food allergy prevention? Recommendations for when to feed...

Dr. Alice Hoyt
Dec 2, 20202 min read
Food allergen labeling made easy!
Have you ever attended a party and wished the food had been labeled for allergens? I know I have! Food allergen labeling is super...

Dr. Alice Hoyt
Nov 22, 20201 min read
Online food allergy testing
Read this before ordering any “food allergy” testing online! Okay, food allergy mama+papa, let’s talk about online food allergy testing....

Dr. Alice Hoyt
Nov 11, 20202 min read
Parenting a Kiddo with Food Allergy
Parenting is hard enough, but with food allergy too? Knowing the kryptonite is a great first step! Y’all, parenting ain’t easy (can I get...

Dr. Alice Hoyt
Oct 28, 20202 min read
Gatherings, Parties, and Food Allergy
Gatherings can be stressful, especially when managing food allergies! If your kiddo has food allergies, then gatherings – parties,...

Dr. Alice Hoyt
Oct 7, 20201 min read
Wheat Allergy or Gluten Sensitivity or Celiac or Something Else?
Many folks ask me, “Dr. Hoyt, what’s the difference between a wheat allergy and gluten sensitivity and Celiac Disease?” I also get asked,...
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