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Evidence-based, family-focused, personalized care for your family.

The official podcast of the
Hoyt Institute of Food Allergy
Board-certified allergist Dr. Alice Hoyt and expert food allergy care navigator Pam Lestage host our top-ranked podcast.
Plus, scroll down for blog articles that accompany the show!
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Recent Articles from Dr. Hoyt

Dr. Alice Hoyt
Mar 30, 20232 min read
What to Expect at Your Kiddo’s Food Allergy Appointment
When you are waiting for your kiddo's allergy appointment, you may be wondering what to expect at the appointment. Will the doctor do...

Dr. Alice Hoyt
Feb 6, 20232 min read
After the Reaction: How to Be Prepared for Your Food Allergy Appointment
If your child has ever had an allergic reaction to a food, you know the mix of emotions that are triggers. Fear and confusion are just...

Dr. Alice Hoyt
Mar 8, 20222 min read
FPIES with expert Dr. Anna Nowak-Wegrzyn
Not all food allergy disorders involve allergic antibodies! If you have a child with a food allergy, you've likely heard of IgE-mediated...

Dr. Alice Hoyt
Feb 20, 20222 min read
How to Prepare Your Babysitter or Nanny to Manage Food Allergies
Young (and not so young!) kiddos have food allergies Food allergy affects children (and adults!) of all ages. Studies show that nearly 8%...

Dr. Alice Hoyt
Nov 18, 20212 min read
A New Approach to Practicing Food Allergy
Food allergy management only begins with the correct diagnosis. Have you ever wondered how your allergist approaches his/her allergy...

Dr. Alice Hoyt
May 27, 20212 min read
Food allergy and counseling
De-Stress with Strategies from Tamara Hubbard, LCPC How often do you worry about your kiddo who has food allergy? And have you ever...

Dr. Alice Hoyt
May 20, 20212 min read
Turning anaphylaxis tragedy into purpose
This post is featured in my May 2024 Food Allergy Resource Bulletin. Learn more about the amazing work being done by the Allison Rose...

Dr. Alice Hoyt
May 12, 20212 min read
Food allergy school policies
Schools develop food allergy related policies to try to keep kids safe, but how many of these policies are evidence-based? And how do...

Dr. Alice Hoyt
May 5, 20212 min read
Food allergy and parenting – the parent needs…
When it comes to parenting a kiddo with food allergy, remembering that epi is only one of the many challenges faced. Three common themes...

Dr. Alice Hoyt
Apr 7, 20212 min read
School, Flying, and Food Allergy – What do the Experts Say?
Kiddos have many challenges growing up in this global era, and, unfortunately, food allergy further complicates things like school and...

Dr. Alice Hoyt
Mar 24, 20212 min read
Food allergy on social media – ask an expert, but not on social.
Social media is a relatively new world, and just as navigating the “real” world with food allergy can be challenging, navigating social...

Dr. Alice Hoyt
Dec 30, 20202 min read
Most Popular Food Allergy and Your Kiddo Podcast Episodes of 2020
Did your favorite Food Allergy and Your Kiddo Podcast episode make the list? You can find a podcast on so many topics these days, and I’m...

Dr. Alice Hoyt
Dec 23, 20203 min read
Can OIT help your kiddo eat safely at a restaurant?
Oral immunotherapy – OIT – can make kiddos with food allergy like peanut allergy more tolerant of the allergen, but does that tolerance...

Dr. Alice Hoyt
Oct 7, 20201 min read
Wheat Allergy or Gluten Sensitivity or Celiac or Something Else?
Many folks ask me, “Dr. Hoyt, what’s the difference between a wheat allergy and gluten sensitivity and Celiac Disease?” I also get asked,...

Dr. Alice Hoyt
Oct 7, 20202 min read
School nurses are allergy superheroes
When you think about what your school nurse does all day, you may think about your kiddo with food allergy (as you should!) and Sweet...

Dr. Alice Hoyt
Sep 9, 20202 min read
How School Nurses are Preparing for Back-to-School with COVID
Have you ever wondered how school nurses prepare for your kiddos with food allergy? Especially with COVID, how are school nurses getting...

Dr. Alice Hoyt
Sep 1, 20202 min read
6 Steps to a Successful Evacuation for Your Family with Food Allergy
Are you wondering how to have a successful evacuation – hurricane, fire, etc. – with your kiddo who has food allergy? If so, then read...

Dr. Alice Hoyt
Aug 26, 20202 min read
Worried about food allergy and anaphylaxis and NOT having epinephrine? This will help!
Parents of kiddos with food allergy fear anaphylaxis and also that their kiddo won’t have epinephrine. Have you or your kiddo ever...

Dr. Alice Hoyt
Aug 19, 20202 min read
Food allergy and food insecurity – the Food Equality Initiative will help.
This is a special episode. Can you imagine having a child who has food allergy and that food insecurity challenges your household? This...

Dr. Alice Hoyt
Aug 12, 20202 min read
Ingestion challenges for babies
A baby can have a peanut allergy, and the peanut challenge procedure determines that diagnosis. You’ve probably heard about doctors...
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